Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Nuit Blanche 2015

I can finally say that I experienced the night life.

A few days ago I went to Nuit Blanche with a couple friends and left at 1 in the morning!  What?  I feel like as a teenager there's this obligation that you need to experience the night life.  Perhaps that's just my thinking.  But if there's one thing for sure that I know it's that the night life isn't as fun as people may make it out.  Night is a time when creepy strangers inhabit the streets; smokers, drugies, homeless people etc.  It's all fun and games at 11pm, but when 12 hits it's a whole new environment. To escape the streets we hit up a toasty dinner right beside a police station haha(not actually our first intentions), and each ordered a side of fries.  I got sweet potato fries to be exact.  
Do you guys like sweet potato fries?  
They are the bomb!  Well, potatoes in general are may absolute favorite!!!  Hip Hip for Starch! Hip Hip for Starch! 

In a sum, Nuit Blanche is a popular art event in Toronto the starts at 7 and proceeds 'till dawn.  Their's a lot of walking involved but it's really entertaining if you go in a group.  Through all the commotion I managed to snap some shots of a few pieces of art we saw.  The wall explosion is hands down my favourite.

I didn't actaully wear this to Nuit Blanche, it's sort of a long-ago outfit I never posted.  I wasn't able to get a clear picture of my outfit seeing that it was "la nuit", but come on, this thrifted Whinnie the Pooh button-up totally deserves a mention on the blog!

I paired it over this vibrant sweater from H&M, pleather shorts from Forever21, random black tights, shoes from Winners, and a Tommy Hilfiger Bag.  What are your go to colours?

1 comment:

  1. Great look! These photos are so cool!

